Podcast „A Guade Mischung“

Podcast von Nik Kleemann im Interview mit Kerstin Danzer-Fromm zum Thema der menschlichen Psyche und Authentizität.

Kurier – Freizeit

von Alexander Kern mit Fachimpulsen von Kerstin Danzer-Fromm


As a dancer after working on a piece for a while you are very often told to “just dance it“. What I really love about working with Kerstin on artistry is that she doesn’t just tell you to perform it, but actually gives you tools and techniques to.

Getting her perspective on how to get in character as well as out of character after a show is just wonderful, especially considering her different experiences from the theater-, movie- and dance world.

She looks at ways to get the #storybehindthesteps across by helping dancers feel the required emotion through connecting to their personal experiences. Usually, I would be really scared to dive into my emotions that deeply. Nevertheless, since Kerstin has a well-experienced sport psychology background, she offers you a safe space to explore, experiment and risk new ideas. She gives you the feeling and security that she will be able to handle all topics and emotions coming up and work through them with you.
(Inspired by her hypnosystemic training she is also able to provide you with an efficient, economic, and reliable tool to retrieve feelings through images and connection to your body.)

Personally, I find her energy and focus wonderful to be around and really enjoy how she celebrates each dancer’s uniqueness. She makes you feel seen no matter your age or experience level.

Photocredit: Olga Vinakur
Text and pictured person: Elise Reußner

Des einen Freud, des anderen Grund sich mitzufreuen! (11-2023)

Link zum Artikel auf skateaustria.at/mental-health (c) Mag.a Christina Lechner